Palm Health Foundation salutes trustee Lisa Kirk Wiese, Ph.D., associate professor at FAU’s Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, for bringing over $5 million in research funding to Palm Beach County and the Glades to increase understanding, early detection, and prevention of Alzheimer's disease in rural populations. Community collaboration, framed by Drs. Boykin and Schoenhofer’s “Nursing as Caring” philosophical model, which includes determining “what matters most” to residents, is the hallmark of Dr. Wiese’s research and scholarly work. Her community-engaged research is led by a group of faith-based health educators, chaired by Antoinita Ifill of Healthier Glades, a foundation initiative. This includes hiring residents in health research; planning, assessment, data collection, evaluation, and developing interventions to address needs. Community leaders participate in profiling their contributions in Dr. Wiese’s scholarly presentations and publications. This powerful collaboration of community partners, launched through state and federal funding, and now sustained by the foundation, is focused on empowering rural, older racially/ethnically diverse adults to age in place through dementia awareness, detection, and management.