Kenya Madison, senior director of Healthier Delray Beach, a Palm Health Foundation initiative, has spent much of her life dedicated to service. A resident of Delray Beach’s “The Set” neighborhood, the city’s historic Black community, Kenya has focused on erasing the stigma of mental health, providing support to children and youth, and serving as a pioneer to create new channels for people to get the help they need in community-based settings—our schools and the faith community.
In her early career, Kenya spent nearly two decades working in Delray Beach’s schools as a certified school counselor, and later as a specialist with the Department of Safe Schools assisting with the development of the School District’s School Behavioral Health framework. In her current role, she has been a leader in integrating mental health in the faith community of The Set and was recently invited to work with the Faith-Based Mental Health Initiative on a national virtual conference, presenting the nation's top psychologists, practitioners and individuals with lived experience to discuss the positive effect of faith on mental health.
Kenya’s vision: A community in which access to mental health services is as common as urgent care centers on every corner.
“When you don’t know what to do, there is someone who can help you make it to tomorrow. And no matter where you start, there is someone to ask how you are doing and help listen for the answer.” – Kenya Madison